Archive for August, 2016

Yes, Your References Are That Important

At some point in your job search, you will hear someone say, “Well, it’s not about what you know but who you know.” You’ll sigh because you know that this phrase holds some truth. This is the reason you network and the reason why you build connections. You’re attempting to build the bridge that connects…

Networking Advice for the Introvert in Us All

We all have those friends who are the life of every party. They can talk to anyone about anything and can maintain relationships in an effortless manner. They’re extroverts by nature, and you’re sure to find them at every brunch, pool party, or neighborhood function. You like to keep to yourself and while you enjoy…

3 Tips for Nailing the Interview

You’ve spent coffee-fueled nights applying for job after job. You’ve updated your resume every other hour and you’ve spent maybe a little too much time speculating over which font to use in your cover letter. You’ve sent follow-up emails, you’ve made calls, and just when it seems like no one is interested in what you…

Balance Your Work Life By Following Our Tips For Preventing Burnout

We’ve all been there many times in our lives. Whether it was in college during finals week when we saved all that textbook reading for the last minute, or at our first jobs, when we tried to be superman our first month to impress the boss. Burnout is no fun! Constant stress will leave you…

Becoming An Occupational Therapist

Looking to join a growing workforce in an industry with the best job opportunity?  Search no more. The Healthcare industry is in high demand right now with our aging baby boomer population. There are a vast multitude of people needing health care assistance as they approach their 80’s and 90’s. Becoming an occupational therapist, specifically,…